My bad.

I hate it when I have to start a post with an apology, but I have to. See, I”ve been a bad blogger. I received an award months ago, (ok, a month ago but exaggeration is my strong suit) and I never thanked the award giver nor did I pay it forward. Until now. 

I received the Versatile Blogger award from Thella over at I love, therefore I cook and I was incredibly excited about it. Unfortunately, it came at dicey time, but, ALAS! I’m woman hear me roar and all that good stuff. 

OK, enough with the self-flagellation and on to the good stuff. For this award, I am to: 

Dana, please show the shiny award to our viewers...

  • Thank the nominator. Thank you Thella!
  • Tell you 7 things about myself.
  • Pass it on to bloggers I recently discovered and love.

7 things about me you wish you didn’t have to read about: 

  1. I am hungry even as I type this post .
  2. I don’t get cold soups. What? Soups are supposed to be served hot!
  3. I love offal. Not all offal, but a lot of offal. 
  4. I’m depressed by the thought that I won’t be able to take my DVR with me to the proverbial desserted island…, will there be electricity?
  5. When I eat something really good, I can’t wait to try making it at home.
  6. I’m a big dog lover. Anything under 45lbs isn’t a real dog, just a doggy sample.
  7. I am cooking show obssessed. Big surprise!

And for the last piece of bitness. Bloggers! In no particular order… 

I found this one through Foodbuzz. She was in the Peace Corps and one of her assignments had been Panama. I was thrilled when I found another blogger documenting Panamanian food. Check out Foy Update

The Joyous Bon Vivant – Norah had me at homemade chorizo.   

Katie O, Katie. I’ve been following her around for almost a year now. I think she was my first blog crush, but she has recently refocused her You Are What You Eat or Reheat blog and I’m loving every minute of it. Plus, she has several obssessions that speak to me.  

Monet from Anecdotes & Apples is a student working towards her dream of opening a bakery with her sis. She also looks like that French actress…  

Chuck is a real life chef offering up great tips & food at Pittsburgh Hot Plate

Joy at Joylicious lives in Dallas and is a fantastic photographer and puts out some amazing food! 

Stephanie at Copycat is a fellow Houston dweller obssessed with figuring out what your fave restaurant  dishes are all about. 

Jorge is the brains behind Hispanic Kitchen, a site dedicated to all things Latin. Ay Bendito! 

Cindy at Life in a Recipe is cooking up a storm somewhere in Canada. 

Joan has taken her blog Foodalogue on tours around the world. I love her no fuzz approach to cooking. 

I don’t know this girl’s name, but she sometimes refers to herself as She Who is Doomed. I think that’s enough info for you to understand my fascination with her blog, Living Dilbert

There! I did it! I hope you’ll take some time to check out these amazing blogs, I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy them as much as I do. 


Comments ( 10 )

  1. ReplyAbby

    Ooh. You just reminded me that I got this award 5 months ago but forget about it... hehe... I agree with you: soups have to be hot!

  2. ReplyFoy

    Hello! I did serve in Peace Corps for two years in Panama. It was wonderful. We were up in El Valle de Madrono along the Momoni River. Our entrada was Chepo. Panama is beautiful. Perhaps someday we'll get back there. I'd love to get back up into the high lands of Chirique and back out to isla Coiba. We spent a lot of time in La Ciudad because the Peace Corps office was there and we worked with three NGOs, CREA, Earth Train and Global Brigades that based out of there. I can't believe we've been back in The States a whole year! I laughed when I saw your project foodbuzz profile and you said your favorite dish to cook was white rice. There is an rt to getting good rice. When I edited the Peace Corps Panama Volunteer Cookbook we had several people submit recipe for white rice. The incoming volunteers were always confused why we bothered to include a recipe for "just rice". As a true Panamaña I'm sure you understand. :)

  3. Replychefyourself

    Foy :

    I laughed when I saw your project foodbuzz profile and you said your favorite dish to cook was white rice. There is an rt to getting good rice. When I edited the Peace Corps Panama Volunteer Cookbook we had several people submit recipe for white rice. The incoming volunteers were always confused why we bothered to include a recipe for “just rice”. As a true Panamaña I’m sure you understand. :)

    LOL-Absolutely! I often get that look 'wahchootalkinboutWillis!' when I tell people how good plain, white rice is. I then have to offer to make some for them so they can understand. Such a beautiful grain, so poorly treated!

  4. ReplyMonet

    Thank you for your sweet post! I am honored, truly! And I totally agree with you about the hot soups...I HATE cold soup, and I think it should be outlawed (as should any soup that isn't served with a crusty loaf of bread!) I hope you have a wonderful day, love!

  5. ReplyNorah

    Wow Anamaris! Thank you so much for the award! This is my first one, and it's great to have it come from you, as I just love your blog also. Now I guess I have to figure out 7 things that are interesting about me... Thanks again!!

  6. Replythella

    well-deserved Anamaris :) better late than never heehee

  7. ReplyJoan Nova

    What a lovely surprise! I'm so happy to have Chef Itself and I look forward to meeting some of the other bloggers nominated here.

  8. Replymarcelina

    Congratulations Anamaris. Yes, plain white rice is wonderful, but when prepared with coconut milk; well, oh my; Delicioso!!!...Keep up the good work. BIG HUG!

  9. Replykatie o.

    Wow Anamaris!! this is so sweet! And I know that secretly your favorite thing about my blog is the "baking border collies"! HA! And congratulations to you too! ps. I'm secretly hoping we'll cross paths in the real world so you can teach me to be half the cook you are!

  10. Replylifeinarecipe

    Thank you so much Anamaris for the honor and mention! I too am bad and behind on my awards so you are not alone there. Love your blog and I am so happy to have you as a new friend as well! Happy Cheffing! /Cindy

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