Me, Myself and, you know, I


I’ve sorta stumbled my way through this entire process, I hope you’ll bear with me as I figure it all out. This blog is to document my hobbies: photography and cooking.

I love both of these equally. I love sharing both of them with people in my life. Of course, the cooking part is easy, there’s never a shortage of willing taste-testers. Photography…, is a different story. How many times can you ask your friends and family to go to your Flickr account and check out your photostream?

Most of the meals/recipes I will share with you have been prepared for Lindsay, my sweet hubby, and myself. We also love having friends over and feed them for putting up with us. I will do my best to include an anecdote with each recipe, that way you’ll get to know a bit about who I am and what makes me tick. I am a ‘ bit of this and a dash of that’ kinda cook, but promise to do my best to quantify recipes and provide you with measurements.

Being from Latin America and of black descent, my cooking thumbprint has a  Latin-Caribbean flair. Following on my mom’s footsteps, I too love the challenge of other cuisine styles, flavors and techniques. This means my cooking range is all over the map, you will not be bored. But the most important thing I want you to take away from visiting my blog, is that delicious food doesn’t have to be complicated and isn’t exclusive to Cordon Bleu graduates.

WE can do it. YOU will have fun doing it. LET’S do it together.

Cookingly yours,



I want to introduce you to my wee baybah. Her name is Chombita, a term of endearment in Panama. She’s my first real baby puppy, which means she’s my first puppy love.


 She was pure happenstance, turning up at just the right time. We got her just a few days before my mom’s passing, perfect timing. She was next to me in bed when I got the dreadful phone call. Her paw on my back was the first comfort I received. And she was the reason for the first smile afterwards. 

She ‘s all love and puppy craziness. She’s got the biggest paws I’ve ever seen in a puppy. I told The Hubbz they were Maxi Paws, but he says it should really be Maxi Pads, since those are the real freaks of nature.

They call me Maxi Pads

 She’s the cutest snoring machine and she’s made me realize what my poor husband has been putting up with for the last couple years. Sorry, honey.

There’s not a lady-like bone in her little body, that’s probably why I love her so.

In puppy love,

Comments ( 19 )

  1. ReplyCarla Hinton

    Hello ACP, I am glad to be the first to blog on your blog. I have been looking forward to this ever since you told me it was coming. I am very impressed and proud of you. I hope it takes off and becomes an huge success. The photos look great and of course the food looks delicious. I would love to learn to cook like this but I think it may be something you are inherently born with. I do ok in the kitchen but nothing at this level but, I wont let that stop me from trying some of your recipes. Since we are related I feel I have the inside track (since I can call you directly for help) ;-). Anyhow I just wanted you to know that I am already a fan and will stay tuned. I look forward to some easy quick recipes for the busy momon the gon in the future. Love the site, Love you and congrats!

    • ReplyAnamaris

      Thanks cuz! Let me know what your criteria is for busy mom on the run. A time crunch? Less ingredients? Just let me know. My main interest really is to be helpful to those reading the blog. I do have a recipe I'll post here soon for you, but the Chicken with Poblano sauce is pretty quick and easy, especially if you use a rotisserie bird. You could sub red peppers for poblanos, if you can't find those in your parts.

  2. ReplyCarlaAmalia


  3. ReplyCarlaAmalia

    All of the above. Less ingredienets, quick recipes. I need it all. Some recipes where you can prepare parts of it ahead of time will probably be good too. Think, what might be easy on a weeknight with only 1/2 to an hour to prep and cook. On Sundays I will venture out and try something a little more ambitious.

  4. ReplyAJM

    This is the perfect forum for your creative cooking energy! I'm thrilled that you're sharing (mon ami, do you realize how many people have settled for bland food all their lives?! It's tragic)! GREAT, easy to follow recipes with great pictures to motivate me to cook faster...! Your cooking is divine; thanks for sharing your gifts! I love you and I love your cooking more! smchz.

  5. ReplyLarry

    Very inventive writing and recipes! Keep it up ... good stuff!

  6. ReplyAlex

    Hi Anamaris, I am stron proponent of creativity and I like your Blog. Your layout speaks volumes of your skill set and unlimited potential. What seems ordinary is on its way to be extraordinary! I look forward to your upcoming e-books online. Follow your dream!

    • ReplyAnamaris

      Alex, thanks for the encouragement! I'm glad to see you around here. Now tell your wife to log on already. I made that lasagna because she asked.

  7. ReplyAnni Bananni

    Hey French- How come I never got any of those little Mini Texican COrnbread? I do something SORTA similar but no sausage Only Green Chili , Cheeses and Serrano.. I like the sound of your betta though and Mine have never been MINI.. You STILL NEVER ANSWERED MY QUESTION?? If you won the Le crueset pots what color would you choose? I know which ones I would WANT If I were the BIG WINNER!!!

    • ReplyAnamaris

      I'm not sure why you didn't get any of it, that was one of the few things leftover. As for the Le Creuset... I'd pick the green or Caribbean blue or orange. In that order.

  8. ReplyJayla

    ACP, Do you have a recipe for making mashed sweet potatoes? For Christmas instead of regular potatoes I want to try something different.

    • ReplyAnamaris

      JJ, I'm not a sweet potato fan, but the recipe I have here for mashed potatoes would work nicely. Also, if you cooked them as you would for mashers, then added a creamy, flavorful cheese like gorgonzola, boursin or if you wanted something less challenging for your girls try one of the flavored whipped cream cheeses. Maybe onion & chives or garlic. The last option I will offer is to roast some garlic: Take 2 full heads of garlic, cut the pointy tip end of (about 1/4 inch deep). Put them in a sheet of foil paper, drizzle about 1 tbsp olive oil over each head. Crimp the foil closed to wrap the garlic. Put them in the oven at 400 degrees for about 30-40 minutes. The cloves of garlic should feel soft. Then once you've steamed or boiled the sweet potatoes, squeeze a few of the cloves of garlic in and mix it with the butter and cream. I'm a bacon fan, so top it with some bacon.

  9. ReplyTracy

    Congratulations on being listed in Tiki Tiki blog's New For the Blogroll: Latinas You Should Meet in 2010 ( I was also featured, and wanted to take time to visit all the latinas featured in the article and introduce myself. I am enjoying your blog! I hope you will visit me at Ascending Butterfly when you get a chance! Feliz Ano Nuevo! New Year/New Recipes!

  10. ReplyTrixie

    Hi Anamaris, I just stumbled upon your blog and was immediately impressed with the personality you bring to your writing. I agree that good food doesn't need to be complicated! As a working mom, getting a decent dinner on the table every night is a challenge.I've made a commitment to document every meal we eat at home in my blog over the next year. Here's the link if you want to check it out (and share the buzz!) Meanwhile, Happy Cooking! Trixie

  11. ReplyLynn

    I do love your blog and I love your profile picture. So, you're a photographer as well as gourmet chef, huh? No wonder your pics are so fab. I have lot of skills but photography seems to be a challenge for me. BTW, if you like soup, consider entering my SOUPer blog giveaway:

  12. ReplyAJ8

    A ~ You are working, wearing, and doing this site! I love visiting! How am I putting on EARLY winter weight looking at the dang pictures?! I'm thinking another cooking event is in order... AJM

  13. ReplyBrooke

    How adorable is she?!? I'm sure you're falling in love with your puppy. But she looks very pink with that short white fur - you'll want to watch her in the sun because she can burn.

  14. ReplyGary

    Very nice. I am getting my feet wet in the journey as well and believe sharing is helpful.

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