Eating Summer: mango mousse


Oooooh mango-time! The one time I don’t complain about Houston’s increasing temps and humidity is when I find beautiful mangoes at my local grocery store. Even better when they’re in the season and, thus, affordable. Can you say win-win?!!

I can eat mangoes like nobody’s business, but I can’t write a valuable post with that as the subject. So I’ve kept my thinking cap on, trying to find ways to incorporate them into a recipe. That’s how this little treat came to be.

Have you been watching the new Cooking channel? I hope you have. I’m loving it and found a few new chefs that have quickly moved into my DVR’s record list. This recipe comes as the result of adapting a recipe from the show French Food at Home. Laura Calder is a French chef bringing that fancy cuisine into normal people’s homes. On one of her episodes, she made a pumpkin mousse, the perfect platform for a mango coup.

She served it with a chocolate sauce, but not being a chocolate fiend and knowing I would need some texture, I opted for some crumbled ginger snaps. It’s easier too.

Mango Mousse with Gingersnap Crumble

3 cps ripe mango, peeled & chopped
2-inches fresh ginger, peeled (optional)
1 pkt unflavored gelatin
1 tablespoon rum or bourbon (water works too)
2 cps heavy cream
1 tsp vanilla extract
1/4 cp sugar
Gingersnap cookies

First, you will need to turn that mango into puree. Place the mango in a medium saucepan, add the ginger, 2 tbsp sugar and 1/2 cp water. Bring it to a boil over medium high heat, reduce heat to medium and allow it cook down until the mango softens–about 10-15 minutes.

Stir the rum/bourbon and gelatine together in a cup, and let soften 5 minutes. Add a third of the cream and the vanilla to the saucepan with the mango syrup. Stir in the dissolved gelatin and the rest of the sugar to dissolve. Remove the ginger pieces and the mango mixture  to cool just a bit before running it through the blender or food processor to puree. You’ll need to strain the puree, mango is very fibrous; set aside to cool and cover tightly with plastic wrap. Refrigerate until chilled and starting to get thick.

Whip the remaining cream and fold it into the chilled mango mixture. Chill at least 4 hours before serving. Spoon into individual serving dishes or goblets topping with crushed gingersnap cookies.

This was delicious and the crunch from the ginger cookies added a much needed textural dimension. Tell me, how do YOU eat your mangoes?

Cookingly yours,

Comments ( 68 )

  1. Replynorma

    I love mangoes you can tell being that I used as part of my blog name. This looks so yummy!

    • Replychefyourself

      Thanks, Norma. I don't if I ever mentioned, but years ago I had started a blog I called Mangoes and me. too funny. I do love getting my PR fix from your posts, that pernil con mofongo is calling my name!

  2. ReplyTess

    I agree with Norma, that looks nice! :-D

  3. ReplyMarisa

    I only recently tasted mango and I must say I love mango juice!

  4. Replyleashieloo

    Looks delish!

    • Replychefyourself

      Tess & Lea - Thanks for stopping by. Marisa, it's never too late to be introduced to mangoes, I hope you make them a regular part of your life.

  5. ReplyPie

    Mango mousse... how fabulous! It certainly appeals to me more than a Mango sorbet, or any sorbet come to that.

    • Replychefyourself

      I was surprised by how much I enjoyed this one, I'm not usually a mousse fan or sorbet. Some Mexican restaurants here in Houston make a frozen mango, I'll be attempting that shortly. It's sorta like a granita. OOOOOOHYUMM! Thanks for stopping by, don't be a stranger!

  6. ReplyZoe

    This looks really fantastic!

  7. Replyjanili

    I loooovvvvee mangoes, and I can live on mango shake everyday! I hope you get to taste Philippine mangoes grown from the province of Zambales...they are the best!

    • Replychefyourself

      Thanks Zoe, hope to see you around. Janili, I'm not sure if I've tried any of the mangoes from Philippines, seems the ones we get here in Houston are usually from Mexico. But there are so many varietals, you could eat a different mango for months. I tell my Hubbz that the ones we get here in Houston are some of the varietals we consider to be of poor quality in Panama..., but beggers can't be choosers.

  8. Replygirlgriot

    Oh. My. God. Mangoes, of course, are one of the three fruit proofs of the existence of God, and this mousse is clearly a divine creation! I can't wait to try it!

    • Replychefyourself

      LOL @ Girl. I do believe I've found a fellow die hard mango fan. Nice to meet you. So what are the other 2 fruits?

      • Replygirlgriot

        Definitely a die hard fan. And the other two fruits? Pomegranates and watermelons, of course!

  9. ReplyBrooke

    1. A, this looks fanFREAKINGtastic. 2. Congrats on the WP Freshly Pressed! I love seeing names I know up there. ;) 3. I still sing that song when I visit your blog. I need to break this habit.

    • Replychefyourself

      Thanks, Boo! It took me a while to figure out where the traffic was coming from! Does this make me a rock star? Please don't stop singing my song, pleeeeeeeeeeease!

  10. ReplyJay-lo

    This will do well with a margarita! LUV IT!

    • Replychefyourself

      You just want to have a drink, no need to justify it to me, girl.

  11. ReplyLulu

    wahooo that sounds sooo yummy! Mango is my fav fruit ever!

    • Replychefyourself

      Lulu, Ty, Mari, T, LawyerGal - Thanks for checking out the post, there's more mango goodness in the archives and more to come. Stay tuned.

  12. Replybabytyche08

    Looks Scrumptious! Thanks for sharing this delicacy. I'll make sure to try it out.

  13. ReplyMari


  14. Reply~ T ~

    yummmmmm. gotta try it !

  15. Replylawyergal

    im trying to diet, this blog tests me :)

  16. ReplyGeni

    Wow, what a great dessert for company! I can't wait to make this with my daughter. I am so impressed by your awesome blog that was started only 6 months ago! I have just started mine (sweetandcrumby) and am trying figure out this whole blog world. It must be so exciting to be on Freshly Pressed!

    • Replychefyourself

      Thanks Geni. I hope you'll stick around. I'll go visit yours as soon as I reply to all these fab comments!

  17. ReplyCultureChoc2010

    Looks awesome!

  18. Replyann eason

    I told you before, you are STAR SHINE.. Who got to sample that YUMMILICIOUS?

  19. Replyxristinejoyce

    That looks so good and I LOVE mangos!!

  20. ReplySarah (Running to Slow Things Down)

    Mangos are delicious, especially in the summer. YUM! :D

    • Replychefyourself

      Culture, Anni, Xris and Sarah, thanks for the kind words. Now go forth and mango!

  21. ReplySallyK

    So jealous! I love mangoes but can rarely find them here and even then they are usually not ripe, just mushy. I will save your recipe in case I get lucky, the mousse sounds delicious! North Coast Muse @

  22. Replylifeintheboomerlane

    I am totally going to make this. Looks fabulous!

  23. Replychainoflies

    This looks delicious! My boyfriend loves mangoes I will have to try it!

  24. Replypasdexter

    This looks delicious! I would love to sit out in the shade with a cup of coffee and some mango mousse sometime. Like you, I am a huge mango lover and I do agree with the comment above about trying out Philippine mangoes. I grew up eating Philippine mangoes and they are by far the best that I have ever had in my life! :)

  25. Replytyandolivia

    That looks so delicious! I love mango! I use mangos for salsa - it's delicious just with chips but also great over grilled salmon. The salsa has mangos (duh), cilantro, a serrano chili pepper, onions, olive oil, lime, garlic - the works. I got the recipe off and it's become one of our staple summer recipes. Thanks for sharing your dessert recipe! Looks like something my husband will love!

  26. Replyizziedarling

    Mango & ginger ... perfection! Thanks for sharing.

  27. ReplyCate

    Please come to my place and make this for me!!!

  28. Replygriisworld

    oohhh I'll try itQ my mom bought like tons of mangoes!

  29. ReplySongbird

    I HAVE TO try this one... nevr had mango mousse before... it's like the caribbean in my dessert...:o) Thanks for posting this!

  30. ReplyCarlos H.

    Looks tasty! I love mango.

  31. Replybourgearthy

    Girlfriend! I will be trying this one out!

  32. Replytheguys123

    Oh. My. God. I'm trying this thing tonight! I have the stuff to make it already! Thanks for the recipe!

  33. Replytheguys123

    Check out these recipes. They're pretty sweet. No pun intended.

  34. ReplyMaria Cueva

    This looks freakin good! I will try this recipe but with berries instead--great job!

  35. Replynoor

    I just wrote a post on eating my very first mango several days ago and then I saw this today! :) This looks SO yummy...I can't wait to try it. Thanks for sharing! And congrats on getting featured on Freshly Pressed :)

  36. ReplyAbby

    I am in love with mangoes. I want to try this!

  37. Replyrecyclingcurbside

    This recipe sounds wonderful. I think I am going to try it next week. My kids would love it.

  38. ReplyScentsy Bricks

    This looks like an amazing dish. I cannot wait to try it out!

  39. ReplyTara Aarness

    Oh dear God, someone hold me back, I could literally live off this and I haven't even tried it yet. A friend of mine eats a fresh mango every morning and if you don't mind, I'm posting a link on my Facebook so she may try your recipe, as well. Thanks for posting this! I'm in love.

  40. Replyarnance

    This looks amazing! Can't wait to try it out and congrats on making the home page! :)

  41. Replyxrvolume

    Hey! Awesome Post & Thanks for sharing it. Looks really Good. You Rock! your friends, XR VOLUME

  42. Replyshooflyshooo

    oh my im drooling!! I think mangoes is one of the best fruits. Mangoes from Philippines are the sweetest delights! Its Philippines national fruit.

  43. Replyameeh19

    that is yummy! i'll try to make that one^_^ we have a lot of sweet mangoes here

  44. ReplyRebekah

    Anamaris, you asked how we eat our mangoes. I'm in Hawaii and lucky enough to have a mango tree in my garden. Just had the first one of the season the other day and had to blog about it. The news photo is at We like 'em fresh! Your recipe, however, sounds delish!

  45. Replyblogergal

    This looks so yummy!

  46. ReplyNancy aka Spicie Foodie

    Mangos are one of the best fruits on Earth, and Mousse is one of the best desserts on Earth. This is a winning recipe all the way! Great job ,yummy!

  47. Replysarahnsh

    I'm about one of the worst cooks every, so I try to stay away from anything that isn't as simple as soup, grilled cheese, or macaroni and cheese. And I tend to screw up macaroni and cheese. This looks soooo good, I wish I could make it myself, but I always seem to screw it up so I'll just stare and salivate.

  48. ReplySteve

    This looks wonderful!

  49. ReplyRachel @ Working Out Wellness

    This looks delicious! I'm with whoever said to try it with berries, because I have a ton of them in my fridge. Thanks again for the recipe :)

  50. ReplySyamsul Bachri

    this looks delicious.. i'll try make this..

  51. Replypurplume

    I wish every house had one of you in the kitchen. At least any house that I live in. XD

    • Replychefyourself

      Hey, I'll gladly be stowed away in your Hawaiian kitchen!

  52. Replymarcelina

    I'll try this recipe later, it sounds delicious. Right now I'm in Panama, it's mango season, and I'm eating them right off the tree. Yummy!

    • Replychefyourself

      I guess one good thing about this last minute trip might be my coming face to face with a few mango papaya and calidad. Can't wait!

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