Tuesdays with… YAWYEOR!

What? Haven’t you heard about YAWYEOR? All the cool kids are doing it! You Are What You Eat Or Reheat is Katie O’s pride and joy and the first bloggy friend I made once I started blogging. She’s funny, talented and obssessed with aprons.

Katie combines cooking, photography and general living madness and shares all of this with a flair of whimsy. She has a weekly feature called White Trash Wednesdays, it’s all about food, y’know, white trashy food. I had to check it out and so should you! Take it away, Katie!

What is the elevator pitch for your blog? 

Nothing more than the musings of a wannabe foodie.

Why and when did you decide to become a blogger?

I’ve actually been blogging since July 27th, 2004.  My friends and I decided it would be a clever way to keep up with one another’s lives by posting the goings on on a blog.  Of course, I’m the one who pushed everyone into it…

What’s next for your blog? 

Yikes. Scary question.  I’m actually considering scaling back a bit.  I used to blog daily, but the daily grind of life has put a real kink in my schedule. I’m considering gearing the whole things towards the White Trash Wednesday recipes…

Would you rather be a Walton, one of the Brady kids or live on the little house on the prairie?

I never got the appeal of the Waltons.  The Brady kids shared one bathroom. And as much as I totally wanted to be Laura Ingalls, I enjoy tv too much.  Can I vote for being one of the kids on Family Ties?  I was always itching to be one of the Keatons! (Or at least look like Mallory?)

Who is the most interesting man in the world? 

I’m pretty sure I should come up with some profound answer, but I’ll go with Harry Potter.

You’re comfortably watching TV one night after eating all your delivery pizza, when surprise guests knock on your door. As the consummate hostess, you quickly whip up a batch of…

glasses of wine….or beer.

What’s the last bad habit you broke? 

yeah, umm, what?

I’m sure Katy is happy not to look like Mallory today. She went nutso with the plastic surgeries. Not. Good.

I also asked Katie to share one  of her posts with us. Appropriately, she chose one of her White Trash Wednesday meals. Breakfast, to be exact. She says she loves the pictures on this one and I agree. These look scrumptious! Click on the picture for the recipe. I think you should make these for the Thanksgiving weekend, you’d be a hit!

Black & Blue Pancakes

“The pictures are some of my favorites and this was one of the few WTW dishes I’ve actually made! ACK!”
katie o.

So there you have it. Another faboo blogger you must add to your favorites.

You can check the foodie action at you are what you eat…or reheat.com, once your tummy growls insanely, go look at the pretty pictures over at  www.daytodayphotos.com.

Go already!


Comments ( 5 )

  1. Replynorma

    Those pancakes really look good. Yes, I will obey and go to her blog. If just for the name alone. I love it.

  2. ReplyBrooke

    Mmmm pancakes - I love ya, Katie!

  3. ReplyDionne Baldwin

    YAY I remember these pancakes. This post made me crack up. [HI KATIE!] If you haven't been to her blog I highly recommend you check it out and subscribe. :)

  4. Replykatie o.

    thanks anamaris for this little feature!!!

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