Salmon, you… complete me.

Yes you do. Do you love salmon? Even if you do, I *know* you don’t love it like I do. No one does. I love it so much, I do a happy schmmy dance whenever I eat it. I have only 1 condition. Do NOT overcook my schmmy! There’ll be hell to pay.

Salmon is delicious. Salmon is beautiful; have you ever seen a more beautiful color? I think that raw salmon tastes like avocado. It is so rich and creamy all on its own. If you enjoy sushi, please promise me you’ll try some fresh salmon sashimi, that is, if you haven’t had it yet.

OK. Enough of my antics.  So, I made some salmon yesterday. It was pan seared and served with a creamy avocado sauce. It was… happy schmmy dance-worthy. It was sooo good. Terribly simple. Incredibly fast. Wanna know what I did? Huh? Huh? Check it out.

Pan Seared Salmon and Avocado Cream

For the salmon:
2 salmon steaks or fillets (skin on)
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp ground black pepper
2 cloves garlic, crushed

Combine the oil, salt, pepper and garlic and make into a paste. Rub this paste over the salmon. Set it aside for 15-30 minutes.


Heat up a medium-sized skillet and drizzle a bit of olive oil. When it’s hot, place the salmon pieces with the skin side down.

Since I was making steaks, I started with the sides then turned to the other side. It takes about 1 minute on each side to get that skin to crisp. Then it’s time to flip them.

These steaks were about 1-inch thick, maybe a tad bit more. I seared them for a total of 6 minutes or so. One minute on each skin side, close to 2 on the top and bottom sides.

They turned out perfectly. You’ll see.

For the Avocado Cream Sauce:
1 avocado (I used Haas)
1/2 sour cream
Sea salt
White pepper (black is fine, too)
Peel the avocado and put it in the blender/food processor with the sour cream. I ended up having to add 1 tbsp whole milk because there wasn’t enough content for the blender to effectively pick it up and make it creamy–sidenote: I *SO* need to get a food processor–If you’re using a food processor, the milk is probably not necessary.

Anyway, once it’s all nice and smooth, check the seasoning and adjust as necessary. Set aside.

To serve, place about 2 tbsps of the avocado cream on a plate, then lay a piece of salmon right next to it. Savor it!

See? Perfectly cooked.

Cookingly yours,

Comments ( 3 )

  1. ReplyCindy

    I LOVE Salmon!!!! This meal looks great! Can't wait to try this.

  2. ReplyJayla

    Instead of sea salt, would it be ok to use Kosher salt? Will it have the same flavor?

    • Replychefyourself

      yup, Kosher salt will work, just make sure it isn't the really coarse one.

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