Más tomates!

I do love tomatoes. In Panama, my sister and I used to eat them like fruit. I remember how flavorful they are when picked just right. Slightly tart and sweet, always juicy. YUM! I love the different varieties: cherry, grape, here recently I’ve been introduced to raisin tomatoes. Tiny little things, filled with flavor. I haven’t tried the infamous heirloom tomatoes yet, what can you tell me about them?

Moving on. My previous post was for a tart I saw Chuck Hughes prepare, today I’m bringing you a variation on that tart. As much as I liked the original, I kept thinking of other ways to enjoy it. I happened to have some avocados ready to go, and they were the primary source of inspiration. This time the flavors come a bit further South of the border. I also switched to puff pastry instead of phyllo sheets.

Tomato & Avocado Tart

1 puff pastry sheet, thawed
1 tbsp Dijon mustard
1/2 cp queso fresco, shredded
3/4 cp queso Oaxaca or Monterrey Jack, shredded
1 avocado, peeled & thinly sliced
4-5 Roma tomatoes (or whatever you have around)
Cilantro leaves, torn
Sea salt & black pepper

Preheat oven to 400°. Use a rolling pin to stretch out the pastry, just enough to make sure it covers the bottom of the pan you will bake it in. I used a tart pan, but a baking sheet would also work. Place the pastry sheet on the bottom of the pan, pulling some of the dough up the sides to create an edge.

Brush on the mustard, then top evenly with the cheese, make sure you cover th entire surface. Next lay the avocado slices across the bottom.

Slice the tomatoes to about 1/4-inch thick and top the avocado with the tomato slices. You can overlap them, if you’d like. Tear a few cilantro leaves and spread them around. Season with coarse salt and freshly ground pepper.

Bake for 20-30 minutes until the puff pastry is nicely golden brown. Allow it to cool for just a few minutes before serving.

Oh yeah, baby.

Cookingly yours,

Comments ( 9 )

  1. Replynorma

    Esto si que esta bravo. It is such a gorgeous tart.

  2. Replyann eason

    I think you are in Panama now... Are you? How is everything.. I am thinking of you and yours... That tomato Tart is FANTASTICO !

    • Replychefyourself

      Hi Anni, I am writing to you from Panama and the tart WAS fantastica!

  3. Replymarcelina

    Anamaris, esto se ve delicioso, lo tendre que hacer. Nos veremos pronto.

    • Replychefyourself

      Lora & Marcy, this was a real delight, hope you'll try it soon.

  4. ReplyLora


  5. ReplyCooking For Mark

    This looks soo good! I like how you added the avocados! How did you keep them from getting brown?

    • Replychefyourself

      Thanks. This one was my favorite. I didn't handle the avocados until the last minute, the tomatoes were ready to go, the pastry had been laid on the pan, the mustard and cheese were in place. Then I sliced the avocados and placed them on the tart and quickly topped them with the tomatoes and cilantro. Not a brown avocado in the house. That's also the reason I chose to put the avocado under the tomato.

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